Today’s New Moon & Solar Eclipse

Today’s New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse, which makes its energy twice as potent! This extraordinary event is happening in the intense sign of Scorpio, giving you the emotional strength to recharge your whole mind, body & soul … if you’re prepared. Watch for a busy news cycle since an eclipse in Scorpio is known for revealing secrets, upsetting the balance of power & bringing a fair amount of drama into people’s lives. During this time, don’t let your passions or emotions make your decisions for you; instead, try to be as flexible & thoughtful as possible. As this eclipse closes one cycle & begins another, you’ll need to let go of something to make way for new experiences. Consider ridding yourself of longtime bad habits, as well as anyone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Invest now in something you want to see grow & become more important in your life. It’s time to move ahead with a renewed sense of direction & purpose. Once the next full Moon arrives on November 17, you’ll have a chance to stand back & take a look at everything you’ve accomplished! (

The Peaceful Observer

“You are not your mind, your emotions or the circumstances of your life. You are the peaceful observer of your mind and emotions that allows life circumstances to pass through and around you for your evolution to finally come to a place of total acceptance of all that is. Only the peaceful observer remains after all else fades away. Only the peaceful observer in total acceptance of what is can take action towards effectively changing anything. You are only this peaceful observer – everything else is as fleeting as the blink of an eye, choose happiness and don’t buy into it.” 

– Jackson Kiddard